Superkids Levenshulme is Officially Outstanding!!
After our latest Ofsted Inspection we are incredibly proud to say that Superkids Levenshulme has been judged as an Outstanding Provider in all areas of the nursery.
The Inspector’s judgement is an endorsement of the hard work and dedication of the whole team, particularly over the last few months and weeks, during which Terri and Danielle have built on the commitment of the team to plan for the future of the nursery.
The Inspector saw how those plans are already having a positive effect for all our children. And we are determined not to rest on our laurels. We are enjoying this success and using it as a springboard for greater things to come.
The comments from the Inspector also reflected the fantastic support we get from all of the parents we work alongside in giving children a great start to their journey in life and learning.
Here are a few key observations the Inspector made on her visit to Superkids Levenshulme:
“…exceptional partnership working with parents and other professionals.”
“…meticulous observations to identify progress”
“The inspirational manager strives to offer children the very best start in life.”
“… an enriching and welcome environment, where all children are very happy.”
“…prepares them well for their move to school.”
“Parents develop a clear sense of trust in the staff team…”
“The highly enthusiastic staff team interacts with children exceptionally well.”
“Children eagerly explore and experiment with the superb range of resources.”
“Staff spontaneously capture unique moments to maximise children’s learning…”
“Staff are exceptionally effective in helping children form a close bond and settle in quickly.”
“Children are kind and respectful to each other and their behaviour is exemplary.”
“Staff are superb role models…”
“Children are thriving and have an eager disposition to learning.”
“They are inspired to explore and discover and are curious and motivated to play.”
“Children enjoy making choices throughout the day and develop a strong sense of belonging.”
“They … are successful learners.”
If you wish to read the full report, you can find it at: