We are Ofsted Outstanding!!
Thanks to the hard work and dedication of our team at Superkids Moss Park After School Club we have been officially rated Outstanding in all areas at our recent Ofsted inspection.
Since coming together in September this year, Tammy and Tyreen, along with the support of Sharon, our Quality Manager, have made great changes to how Superkids is run. Tammy and Sharon have been working on some great creative play ideas since Tammy took over as Supervisor in January. When Tyreen joined the team in September she fitted in perfectly and contributed her own ideas and personality to the club.
With some fantastic new resources, together with Sharon, Tammy and Tyreen’s creativity, the Ofsted Inspector who judged the club was very impressed with what the children were being offered at Superkids. She praised the ‘highly experienced staff’ for providing ‘an excellent range of exciting and interesting activities.‘ At the same time she recognised the genuine care which Superkids staff show for the children, noting that the ‘children form exceptionally close emotional attachments with their key person.‘ In praising the whole team she said the ‘staff are extremely dedicated practitioners and children’s health, sense of security and physical and emotional well-being are central to everything they do.’
We were also pleased that Vizilogger got a big thumbs up from Ofsted. The inspector was very impressed with our new signing in and out system. In her report she wrote that ‘rigorous security measures and meticulous arrangements for checking the identification of adults collecting children are consistently implemented. This helps to ensure children are well protected from unwanted visitors and cannot leave the premises unsupervised.‘
Although Superkids main focus is about giving children the space and opportunities to relax and play, we also understand the connection between high quality play and learning. The Ofsted inspector noted that ‘staff skilfully support younger children to develop … an extensive range of skills that helps prepare them exceptionally well for future learning.‘
We are very proud of our colleagues working hard in all our settings, who show the kind of dedication and commitment that the Ofsted inspector has rewarded in this case with a rating of Outstanding. Well done Sharon, Tammy and Tyreen.